A Pause . . . And Reflection
Sometimes in the work of the church, the word “program” gets thrown around a lot. Some people feel that a “program” depersonalizes them and their deeds. Let me apply this to some thing we do here—Monday Night for the Master. It is much more than a program—it is a framework in which you can personally work for God. Some of us have tight schedules and deadlines, and are personally pulled in so many directions. Some people may feel that they really don’t know how to be involved. Please realize that Monday Night for the Master is just that—a night in which you can devote yourself to the work of God. You may select an activity from those in place, or you may do something you see that needs to be done. The format we have in place is to help fulfill needs we know are there and to provide a framework of encouragement in which several people do the things they enjoy doing while others go about the tasks they enjoy. Why not give it a try? Talk to Gary Smith or Larry Davis.
I hope you have a great week!—Lance