The Master Teacher

While attending Polishing the Pulpit this past week, I was able to humbly sit at the feet of people I would consider master teachers in their respective fields of specialized fields of study. Every word spoken in the lessons oozed a knowledge unique to the individual and I have no doubt that every member of the audience, including myself, although maybe having entered the room hungry for knowledge, left satisfied. I truly look forward to learning from these men of God because not only do I greatly benefit from the topic they are teaching, but I am also able to study their teaching techniques and methods in order to improve my own teaching. As I sat seeking to fathom the depth and sheer quantity of lessons I was able to partake in, I began to think of how emphatically awesome it would have been to sit at the feet of Jesus, Peter, Paul, or the other master teachers of the early church. What a thrill it would have been to study their teaching style and gain from their immense knowledge! The truth of the matter is that we all have the opportunity to study at the feet of these men, including Jesus, because of God’s word. We have the option each day to study from, perhaps, the greatest teachers of God’s word to ever walk the earth! Let us not neglect the word of God but study it daily with the hopes of being satisfied in our own search for knowledge and to be able to better teach others!